Legal compliance

This page contains information on the legality (or probable legality) of using Wireskip by country.

Although the list is not yet comprehensive, the countries researched are prioritized per their global Internet usage percentage. Additional jurisdictions will be added as time and new information is available.

Disclaimer: This page is for informational purposes only and does not contain legal advice, nor does it create any lawyer-client relationship. The scope of this page is limited to the legality of using Wireskip and not the specific activities a user engages in while using Wireskip.


The use of encrypted communication services such as Wireskip, Tor etc. are not prohibited for individuals or corporations in Canada by any statute, regulation or notification.


The Chinese Government strictly controls access to the global Internet. Although Chinese law only prohibits operating censorship-circumvention services (Revised Provisional Regulations, 1996 1), there are reports of officials detaining users of such services, or disconnecting their Internet connections.


The use of encrypted communication services such as Wireskip, Tor etc. are not prohibited for individuals or corporations in France by any statute, regulation or notification.


The use of encrypted communication services such as Wireskip, Tor etc. are not prohibited for individuals or corporations in Germany by any statute, regulation or notification.


The use of encrypted communication services such as Wireskip, Tor etc. are not prohibited for individuals or corporations in India by any statute, regulation or notification.


The use of encrypted communication services such as Wireskip, Tor etc. are not prohibited for individuals or corporations in Italy by any statute, regulation or notification.


The use of encrypted communication services such as Wireskip, Tor etc. are not prohibited for individuals or corporations in Spain by any statute, regulation or notification.

United States

The use of encrypted communication services such as Wireskip, Tor etc. are not prohibited for individuals or corporations in the United States by any statute, regulation or notification.

Revised Provisional Regulations Governing the Management of Chinese Computer Information Networks Connected to International Networks (People’s Republic of China) State Council, Order No 195, 1 February 1996 (revised 20 May 1997)